Septic Design
When choosing a septic designer make sure it is someone who comes with a reputable background and is highly recommended. We would be happy to refer local professional designers who we use regularly. The first step in designing a septic system starts with digging a test pit at the site where the septic system is going to be installed. We work with local soil scientists (designers) who, during the test pit, examine the soil and landscape to determine which type of system is best for that particular situation. We assist with the test pit by digging with our mini excavator where the proposed system is going to be located. This allows the soil scientist to visually see the different types of soils located on the property. Once the test pit is complete the designer starts creating the plans on a computer based program. The plans are reviewed, then submitted and approved by the State of New Hampshire. Once the plans are complete they are delivered to us so we can provide an estimate for our customer. Having an approved plan is the only way to give an accurate cost for a septic install.